Try canyoning at Fleur Jaune by night, magical

Do you like canyoning? We love it… and recently we tried a new version of canyoning in Reunion Island.
By night… Canyoning at Fleur Jaune in the light of the full moon.

Canyoning at night may seem strange, but it does exist… under the full moon. It is therefore not possible to do it all the time and not on any site!

Here is a short video of our descent … made with a Go Pro at night, so the quality does not always do justice to the beauty of the landscapes. 🙂

Canyoning at Fleur Jaune by night

When the conditions are good… it’s an unforgettable experience.

So, we will tell you everything about Fleur Jaune canyon in the light of the full moon in Reunion: who, where, when, what, how and how much.

Le canyon de Fleur Jaune se trouve à Cilaos, en redescendant vers le Tai Bit une fois au village.

Who, where, when, what, how and how much?


Today, canyoning by night only exists at the Fleur Jaune, and only with Adrenal’île.
A bunch of very nice monitors, so far we have done all our descents with them! The descent of the Fleur Jaune canyon at night exists since almost 1 year (tested the first time in February 2019).


Fleur Jaune canyon is located in Cilaos. If you’re from Reunion Island… you won’t read this article in English…
If you’re on holidays… Cilaos is one of the 3 cirques of the island we need to visit!
The meeting place is at the church parking in the center of the village, then the team will bring you there with their minivan.


So… canyoning at Fleur Jaune with the light of the full moon… as its name allready tells… is planned every full moon!
So about once a month if the weather conditions allow it.
The meeting is between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.

walk of 5 mins to start and 45to finish canyoning at Fleur Jaune

Allow 5 mins walk at the start and 45 mins at the end (only uphill and quite sporty).
The descent lasts around 2h30 / 3h.
You will be back at the parking lot around midnight.

We did canyoning at Fleur Jaune in winter, it was … cold. They have good stuff: 5mm wetsuit with hood + fleece lycra, neoprene socks, helmet, harness, waterproof headgear ... but the exterior air like the water were at around 14 °C. Honestly, it didn’t spoil the trip at all, but if it had to be done again (especially for the chilly), I would test it in another season.

Canyoning at fleur jaune with good material: neoprene socks, combinaison, waterproof headlamp..

What could ou expect?

Fleur Jaune canyon it’s:
> 7 rappelling descents, normal and water slide
> with the highest one = 53 meters
> 1 jump possible 

Great rappelling descent by night when canyoning at Fleur Jaune


Our descent of Fleur Jaune canyon under the full moon

We arrived in Cilaos and to be honest the time was shitty. At the meeting point, we are ten + 3 monitors. Cyril warns us that the weather is crappy and that if some people want to do it another time, it’s ok (as they are selling a descent under the light of the full moon …).

Nobody withdraws (that said… when you know the road … you don’t necessarily want to do it again!), and for the best. We start and the first half hour is done without a moon. They illuminate the basins with lights … we abseil down with the view on beautiful turquoise blue basins under our feet … that’s great.

Canyoning at Fleur Jaune, you'll appreciate the turquoise blue basins'water...

A little later the sky is completely uncovered. The moon comes out … the canyon’s walls are naturally lit … plus the blue water, it’s magic. In addition, being in the night decreases the distances and whereas I have vertigo (yes I can have vertigo and still have the right to love canyoning … damn it !!!) .. I was not afraid… or much less than usual. Just enjoying the moment!

Especially when you get to the 55-meter abseil. The walls open onto the mountain and you descend with an incredible panorama … mountain and full moon, you even want the descent to last longer.

In short you will understand, it was really good. Little tips … at the end, if you die from the cold and think to keep the wetsuit to go up … bad idea. After 2mins you will die of heat, the walk is sporty, so go up light.

A magical experience: canyoning at fleur jaune under the full moon.

Physical requirements?

It’s quite sporty, both on the descent but also on the final walk. It is necessary to have already made rappelling descent, not to have the vertigo (or know how to do with it) and to have a good physical condition, the ascent is quite abrupt.

How much?

Canyoning at Fleur Jaune by night price: 95€ / pers.
The price decrease depending on how many you are in the group (ex: 90€ for 6 persons).

Contact Adrenal’île : 0692 750 400 /

To close this article we just wanted to precise that, for us, canyoning at Fleur Jaune under the full moon is not better or worse than during the day. By day, the panorama of Cilaos and the Piton des Neiges is wonderful. The feeling of immensity is greater. But at night, it’s another experience … you focus more on the canyon itself. The light that is reflected on the stone walls and the lit basins … it’s really beautiful.

Wonderfull rappelling descent of 55 meters in the Fleur Jaune canyoning.

==> There, I think we told you everything! We hope this article will make you want to dare canyoning at Fleur Jaune under the full moon. If you liked it or have any questions, feel free to let us a comment. And above all, good descent!

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