Pass your level 1 diving certification in La Reunion

Find everything you should know to pass the level 1 diving certification in Reunion Island.

You did a diving baptism and it made you want more? Like: being a bit more independent, dive longer, discover the seabed beauty or prepare your future vacation?

So now, you’re thinking about passing the level 1 diving certification in La Reunion?

We had the same idea! That’s why we decide to write this article that explains:

  1. The difference between a diving batism and levels.
  2. How and where to pass the level 1 diving in La Reunion.
  3. Our own experience and what we lived in the underwater world…

Nous avons passé notre niveau 1 de plongée à la Réunion pour découvrir les fonds marins ici et ailleurs !

Pass your level 1 diving certification

1/ Baptism, levels… what’s different?

The diving baptism, is an initiation that allows you to discover this activity before you try to go further. It’s a supervised dive of about 20 to 40 mins on average (it depends on the establishment) at maximum 6 meters depth and normally from 8 years old.

Prices may be different, but in general, the diving baptism costs 50/60€.

If you feel comfortable and really like the experience, you’ll certainly want to pass your level.
Passing diving levels is a desire to go be more autonomous, independent, discover much more about the ocean, but also be more responsible.

The baby emperor fish is beautiful but not always easy to observe.

2/ Level 1 diving, what’s this, how to pass it?

This article comes from our experience. So some details could be a bit different depending on the diving training center.

2.1/ What’s the level 1 diving certification for?

Once you have it, the level 1 diving certification allows you to dive up to 20 meters depth, supervised by a level 4 diver (at least 14 years old).

Learn to dive safely during the level 1 diving training in La Reunion.

2.2/ How does it work?

It is a practical and theoretical training supervised by a professional. You need to be at least 14 years old and to have a medical certificate stating that you are in good health and can dive.

You must finish it 2 months max after the 1st dive. But if you’re on a hurry, it’s sometimes possible to do the 5 dives in less that 3, 4 days (check with the diving center).

We’ll be given a personal diving book at the beginning of the training. You can write all your dive’s information in it. For pleasure (as a memory.. fishes you saw, place where you have been…). But also to have all the information in case of post-dive injury (eg: max depth, time spent underwater, temperature …). It will help your doctor to understand the cause of the problem.

Be careful not to tuch scorpion fish during your dives in La Reunion.

Just to know, there is no real final exam. The aim is just to understand and know how to do all the things will learn during the training.

  • Level 1 diving – Theorical lessons:

Theorical classes are given as sessions progress. They serve to understand: the different behaviors to adopt, the potential accidents and how to prevent them, the diving vocabulary, the pressure’s notions (Bar) in the air and underwater … with a small final test (just for your trainer to check your knowledge).

During the level 1 diving training we learn the decompression stops to go out safely.

  • Level 1 diving – Practical lessons:

5 to 6 dives (for us between 50 mins and 1h10, but it depends on your behavior underwater and your oxygen consumption), during which you learn:

  • The necessary diving gear and how to use it.

Learn how to set up the diving gear during the level 1 diving training.

  • Enter and go out the sea.
  • The behavior to have underwater.
  • How to communicate underwater with the appropriate signs.
  • Exercices underwater, eg: take off and put back a mask, lend your regulator, (material that permits you to breath oxygen from the tank), stabilise yourself thanks to your jacket BCD….

Learn exercices underwater like taking off your mask, lend or borrow a regulator...

Count about 2h30 / 3h per trip.

Once the training finished, the monitor will give you the level 1 diving licence.

I’m not totally sure (it’s a bit tricky), but the level 1 diving certification seems to be the equivalence of the PADI Open Water, that allows to dive up to 18 meter depth (international). Apparently the CMAS levels are well recognized internationally.

2.3/ How much it cost to pass the level 1 diving certification?

What is the price to pass the level 1 diving in La Reunion…

It depends on where you pass it. In general it cost between 250 and 350 €.
It includes: 5/6 diving trips, monitor, diving gear during the 5 dives, theorical lessons, diving book, transport by boat if necessary…
Be careful, the price is often indicated without the licence production price, check it before.

The diving gear(jacket BCD, fins, mask, tank) is included in the level 1 diving training.

We payed 275€ licence included.

We had the chance to see: tortles, ray, octopus and many different indian ocean fishes.

2.4/ Where to pass the level 1 diving in La Reunion?

There are many diving centers and associationsin La Reunion.

Personally, we chose the association “La Plongée Lé Bon” by word of mouth and we are delighted. Our training went very well, in joy and good mood, so we can warmly recommend it.

Of course, we’re sure that there are many other very good monitors!

You'll see many species of surgeon fishes during your dives in La Reunion.

3/ The level 1 diving in La Reunion, our experince

WIth from La Plongée lé bon, we’ll usually dive at “Cap La Houssaye”. But we also had the chance to discover the spots below during our level 1 diving training::

  • Pierre aux Platax (close to the Brisants)
  • La Passe de l’Ermitage
  • Cap La Houssaye

Depending on the sea’s conditions, we went to different spots by boat with the “Les Mascareignes” diving center, on the Saint-Gilles harbour.

Very sincerely, we would love it as much … We thought it would be more theoretical and we would take less pleasure during training. In the end, we learn while living each time a great experience. We were always 2 per instructor (either with Patrice or Bruce).

Afraid to dive? Our feeling …

We are very comfortable in the water, it helps for sure … Nevertheless, me (Nina), I was afraid because of my ears … my left ear decompresses badly enough and I can feel it very quickly when I try to go down in the water (it hurts). I even thought it might be a worry to dive … But in the end, going down taking the necessary time for me, without fear of being “the bad diver”, I had no problem. During any of the descents or post-dives.

Romain had no particular problem … but he consumes more oxygen, which means: less time underwater … It’s Ok, we dive between 50 and 106 minutes per dive.

All this to say that, you don’t have to be afraid at the early begining. But always take your time and listen to your body.

During your level 1 diving training, learn to listen to your body.

In brief, it was really great and we’ve been we were amazed at each dive. Fishes of all colors and sizes, morays, groups of rays, turtles …

Observe the indian ocean fauna and marina flora when passing the level 1 diving certification in La Reunion.

It is that great that you’re already thinking about the level 2. But we’ll take our time. First, money speaking, more you pass them, and more expensive it is (normal, there are more dives and responsability). Secondly, everyone advises us to wait and take more experience before the level 2, even our monitor.

We'll see many morays in the marina reserve of La Reunion.

==> And that’s it! We hope that we made you want to go diving (baptism, level…) and also that this article was clear enough to have all info about the level 1 diving certification in La Reunion. Do not hesitate to write us a message!

We wish you a great time… underwater!

Find in our travel bog other activities to do in La Reunion.

A nice fish we saw sometimes at Cap La Houssaye during our dives in La Reunion


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