Hike Snowdon mount in Wales

Prepare Snowdon Mount hike

You have not heard of Snowdon Mount in Wales yet? Or on the contrary you have planned to do this hike and climb the highest top of Wales? Well, we wrote for you an article with all the useful info to prepare this walk of about 6h.

A beautiful walk, a stunning landscape.

Préparer la marche du mont Snowdon au Pays de Galles avec le blog de voyage ZeCaillou

Snowdon Mount is the highest peak in Wales. It is located in the north of the country, in the Snowdonia Natural Park. It is 1035m above sea level and overlooks many beautiful lakes.

6 different paths to reach the top of Snowdon mount

There are different paths to climb this mountain. With different levels, they do not all start from the same place and on average the walk lasts about 6h round trip.

The 2 most popular trails

  • Miners Track
    • Start: Pen y Pass parking
    • Difficulty: low / 723m climb
    • Comments: very flat at first, it runs along 2 great lakes to finally climb to the top. After a while (about 2/3 of the path) the Miners and the Pyg Track meet until the end of the walk.
  • Pyg Track
    • Start: Pen y Pass parking
    • Difficulty: low / 723m climb
    • Comments: it rises a little at the beginning, then gradually until the end. It overlooks the lakes. It join the Miners Track at the end before the last climb to the top.
  • And the more “sportive” declination of the Pyg Track: the Crib Goch
    • Start: Pen y Pass parking
    • Difficulty: between medium and high
    • Comments: There is no dedicated start. You have to take the Pyg Track path which separates after a while in 2 paths. Continue on the right to walk Crib Goch. Sometimes you’ll have to climb with the hands (not ideal for people who have dizziness) and on a mountain ridge. And there are no many signs on the path.

The 4 other trails

  • Llanberis path
    • Start: several car parks in the town of Llanberis
    • Difficulty: low / 975m climb
    • Comments: climb by another mountain side, view of other lakes
  • Watkin path (7h)
    • Start: Bethania Bridge or Nant Gwynant car park
    • Difficulty: average / 1015 m ascent
    • Comments: other mountain side, no lake visible before reaching the summit
  • Rhyd ddu path
    • Start: Rhyd ddu car park
    • Difficulty: 895m climb
  • Snowdon ranger
    • Start: Llyn Cwellyn car park
    • Difficulty: 936m climb

Or even the little train…

Alternatively, for around 20 euro, a train can bring you directly up to the top of Snowdon Mount. You have to take it from the town of Llanberis. It’s a small train pulled by an old locomotive. It is not the quickest solution and you have to think about booking in advance.

Monter au sommet du Mont Snowdon par le petit train depuis Llanberis

Our Snowdon Mount hike

Choose your itinerary! For this hike, we wanted:

  • Challenge: not choosing the easiest with the most common trails
  • Amazing view: paths with views of the lakes everytime (or almost)
  • A loop: taking a different path on the way to return to diversify landscapes
  • 1 only Parking: leave and return to the same parking to avoid taking the bus with our dog, Huaca (see below)

So, we opted for:

  • Go by Pyg Track > Crib Goch
  • Redescent by Pyg Track > Miners Track

And we were not disappointed!
It took us about 4h30 round trip (not including breaks: lunch, videos, swimming …).

Snowdon Mount, here we go

Arrival at the Pen y Pass parking

Les sentiers de Miners et Pyg track au parking Pen y Pass du mont Snowdon

Wake up early to make sure you have a place at the Pen y Pass Parking (more info at the end of the article). On the Pen y Pass car park, take the start of the Pyg Track trail in the upper right corner.

Départ du sentier Pyg Track pour l'ascension du mont Snowdon au Pays de Galles

Join the Crib Goch path walking by the Pyg Track

At the end of a good climb, the path separates in 2. Take the small climb on the right (a stone indicates the Crib Goch path).

Prendre à droite sur le chemin Pyg track pour récupérer le sentier Crib Goch pour monter au mont Snowdon

In the beginning, everything goes well, then after a while we climb the pebbles (not always very stable) and we use hands to climb, some rock walls. The path is not always very well indicated but it is worth it. It can’t be quite difficult for people with vertigo.

La montée du mont Snowdon par le sentier Crib Goch commence par des cailloux pas très stables

Difficult path of the hike, the “red comb”

We then arrive at the edge. This is the only passage where we put Huaca, our dog on a lead. We continue after a little break. Thee edge is quite narrow and can easily dizzy.

Pique-nique avant d'entamer l'arrête vertigineuse du sentier Crib Goch en direction du mont Snowdon

Marcher sur l'arrête (peigne rouge) du sentier Crib Goch lors de l'ascension du plus haut sommet du Pays de Galles

After 2 or 3 moments on the mountain ridge, the path become easier for a while before reaching a big stone (see below), it is almost the end!

La grosse pierre indique la fin du sentier Crib Goch pour arriver au mont snowdon

After this stone, another few minutes walking before crossing an intersection where the different paths (Pyg Track, Miners and Crib Goch) meet.

Last climb before reaching the highest summit of Wales

Finally, the last part towards Snowdon Mount’s top starts, the highest peak in Wales. And to tell you the whole truth, this is not the nicest part. Indeed, all the roads meet and while we were almost alone in this magnificent landscape (there were very few walkers on Crib Goch), we find ourselves standing in line to climb up with the other walkers, but also the people who took the train.

Arrivée au sommet le plus haut du Pays de Galles, le magnifique Mont Snowdon

So, after a brief moment at the top, where we took 2 symbolic photos trying to be visible on our own pictures, we return to have our well deserved picnic out of the crowd. To do this, we walked towards the end of the Crib Goch path.

Pause détente au calme à la fin du sentier Crib Goch avant d'entamer la redescente du mont snowdon

Hike back from the highest Summit in Wales

Les différents sentiers pour la randonnée du mont Snowdon aux pays de galles

After this short break, we go down the common path to Pyg and Miners Track.

Redescente du mont Snowdon par le sentier Pyg track et Miners track avec la vue sur les lacs

We cross wooden poles truffled with embedded coins and many small streams (be careful it’s sliding).

We turn right (path on the right of the stone in the picture below), to follow the Miners Track trail. There was much sun, we absolutely wanted to have a swim in the lake.

Séparation entre le sentier Pyg et Miners track lors de la randonnée du mont Snowdon

After a few strides in the rocks, we arrive at the edge of the 1st big lake. Huaca and Romain throw themselves into the lake… me I go, gently but surely! The water is really fresh, but it is so beautiful. And you have a great view on the Snowdon Mount.

Lac situé en contre bas du plus haut sommet du Pays de Galles, le mont Snowdon

Se baigner dans les lacs du mont Snowdon dans le parc Snowdonia

After this, we continue on the trail. Let’s go along the 2 big lakes, cross the 2nd, pass an old slate factory on the left, follow a pipeline on the right… to finally see the parking lot.

Ancienne usine d'ardoises sur le sentier Miners Track au mont snowdon

Suivre la canalisation du sentier Moners track lorsque l'on retourne au parking Pen y Pass

On aperçoit le parking Pen y Pass en redescendant le mont snowdon par le sentier Miners track

As expected, we arrive at the Miners Track start, just on the left of the parking lot. The circle is complete!

Point de départ ou arrivée du mont snowdon par le sentier Miners track dans le parking Pen y Pass

So, beside the Disney Land sequence, at the top of the mountain, the rest of the walk is definitely worth a trip. A beautiful scenery no matter which path you choose. Would we recommend to walk Snowdon Mount???? Yes, of course!

Le blog de voyage ZeCaillou a testé pour vous la randonnée du mont snowdon

Useful informations

Pen y Pass parking and the Sherpa Bus network

Price: 10 € for the whole day (until midnight) or 5 € for less than 4h.
Forbidden to stay there after midnight and therefore to sleep there.
Warning ! We went there for 7am in midweek (mid-July), and at 8am the car park was full. Outside the Pen y pass parking, you still have to pay to park, except if you’re really far.

There are other car parks around (Nant gwynant, Llanberis or Llyn Cwellyn) and apparently a good bus network (find Sherpa Bus schedule) connect them (frequency about every 10-15 mins). Normally they are supposed to accept dogs, but we read that it mainly depends on the driver.

On the Pen y pass parking there are toilets (free of charge), and next door a hostel that offers hot showers for 3 euros per person.

Do not forget for hiking

  • Good sneakers,
  • sunscreen,
  • water,
  • snacks,
  • and even a swimsuit if the weather is good…

Have a good hike to Snowdon Mount!

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