Best places and best things to do in Corsica (France)

You dream to visit Corsica, we understand why. After only 1 week of roadtrip in Corsica (on our 5 weeks spent on the beauty island), we were already in love! Don’t leave because we tell here where are the most beautiful places of Corsica and what we must not miss.

Corsica best places to see

Breathtaking landscapes, top activities, very welcoming locals, and very good things to eat and drink!

Our itinerary in Corsica

Whether you like beach or mountains, you will always find something to love in Corsica. A great “sun destination”, but also perfect for hiking / nature. Indeed, the landscapes in Corsica are amazing.

>> If you’re looking for ideas and itinerary to visit Corsica, you can find all our stops in Corsica in our interactive map just above.

What not to miss in Corsica

« Agriates desert from Saint-Florent to Ostriconi, the Calvi bay, the Fango valley, the Scandola natural reserve (in Porto golfe), the great Bonifacio peninsula, the Aiguilles de Bavella tops, Purcaraccia’s waterfalls… »

Just to ready to discover the best Corsican places and what makes Corsica so special (gastronomy, local people…).

What not to miss in Corsica like this heart hidden in the moutain.

  • 1- Beautiful and wild coastal landscapes

All around the island (but especially on the west coast of Corsica), landscapes are crazy. The water changes from green and turquoise blue to a deep blue. It is so clear that it looks like spring water. There are beaches all over the coast and many of them are only accessible by foot and are not or very little developed (building, hotels, restaurants …). A real wild and undenured landscape you have to deserve!

Les plus beaux endroits de Corse sur notre blog de voyage, ici le désert des Agriates.

Like Scandola or the Lavezzie Islands, many places are natural reserves are accessible only by boat: small villages, steep hills, deserted islands … there is something for everyone.

>> Our favorites:

The “sentier des douaniers” path of the Agriates desert and its beaches: Loto, Saleccia…).

Nagez dans des aux eaux turquoises dans le nord de la Corse.

South Bonifacio’s beaches (the “Trois Pointes” and the “Saint-Antoine beach” close to the Pertusato lighthouse).
>>Approx. 3.7km from Bonifacio to the Pertusato lighthouse.

La plage des trois pointes sur la côte de Bonifacio dans le sud de la Corse.

The wonderful Scandola reserve in the Porto golfe.
>> Many boats from Porto, Calvi and other cities, approx. 45€ /pers – 4h for the biggest trip (Porto>Calanchi di Piana>Capo Rosso>Scandola>Girolata>Porto).

Les incroyables parois rocheuses de la réserve naturelle de Scandola et Capo Rosso en Corse.

La très belle réserve de Scandola accessible uniquement en bateau dans le golf de Porto.

  • 2- Amazing moutain’s views

Incredible but true, even if the highest peak of Corsica,the Monte Cinto, only reaches « 2706 m » (sorry for the « only » but as we’re from La Reunion, it’s hard not to compare everything to our famous 3069m Piton des Neiges, one of our favorite walks -french article). There are more than 100 peaks that exceed 2000m in Corsica. Which is totally incredible when you know that the beauty island is only 83 km wide and 183 km long. In short, if you’re a mountain lover, don’t miss it!

>>Capu d’Occi. Approx. 3km from the Lumio church + visit the old Occi village.

Don't miss the amazing moutain's views of the Corsica Island.

>> Our favorites:

The Aiguilles de Bavella.
>> GR20+GR20 alternative path loop: 10,9 km and 4h.

One of the best things to do in Corsica, hike the aiguilles de Bavella.

The Vacca Morta’s top and its view on the large Ospedale lake.
>> Mare a Mare Sud: 3,5km from Ospedale belvedere.

Admire the large Ospedale lake from the top view of the Vacca Morta peak.

  • 3- A paradise for hikers and bikers

GR20, Mare i Monti, or more simple hiking trails … if you like walking, Corsica is for you. At each street corner you will find an hiking trail start. We may be exaggerating a bit, but that’s the idea. Whether along the coast or in the center of the island, you will take full eyes.

Don't miss the best things to do in Corsica as the Agriates desert hike.

A perfect playground also for bikers. Why ? Roads are relatively good, smooth, winding, with climbs and descents and with an amazing background. The best in motorcycle!

>> Our favorites:

The “sentier des douaniers” from Saint-Florent to Ostriconi.
>> Approx. 35km and 12h. 

Corsica is a paradise for hive lovers, perfect landscapes.

There are hundreds of possibilities if you want to hike in Corsica.

The “Capo di Fenu” from the Tonnarra beach.
>> Approx. 6km from the beach and 1h30.

Stagnolo beach, during the walk from Tonnarra to Capo di Fenu in Corsica.

The Capo di Fenu lighthouse and its natural pool in Corsica.

Or to change from the beach, the Aiguilles de Bavella and Vacca Morta (see above).

  • 4- Rivers, basins and waterfalls

In addition to its turquoise waters, endless beaches and snow-capped mountains, Corsica also offers superb “cool” bathing spots. Rivers, lakes, basins, waterfalls… nature and beauty in a pure state!

>> Our favorites:

The wonderful river of the Fango valley.

The clear green water of the Fango river in west Corsica.

Purcaraccia’s natural pools and waterfalls.

Les merveilleuses cascades de Purcaraccia non loin du col de Bavella en Corse.

Piscia di Cavu’s natural pools.

  • 5- Great local products to discover

French gastronomy does it sound something to you? Wine, charcuterie, cheese and so on … you’ll love Corsica. This island full of sun is also full of resources when it comes to havingpleasure with good products. And at the cocktail hour, Corsica is not left out!

Wine, cheese, charcuterie, honey, fruits, taste local products in Corsica.

There are too many choices for us to make a complete list, but do not forget to taste local products (land and sea) and maybe even take advantage of it to discover one of the many wine routes!

Taste Corsican local products, have a fancy dinner at restaurant in Calvi.

>> Our favorites:

A good lonzzu from the market, the brocciu donnut, clementine jams with walnuts, honey.
We tried to taste sea urchins directly from the ocean (allowed from the 15th of december to the 15th of april).

Best things to do in Corsica, taste sea urchins in Île Rousse.

  • 6- A pleasant climate (starting in April or even March)

We were there from early April to mid May. Except the first week, we had a great weather. A little cool at night, but very pleasant the day. Especially when you like to walk, the sun was already beating between 11am and 4pm. However, the sea is still cool/cold at this time.

Mara Beach on the path from Calvi to the Revellata lighthouse.
>> Approx. 11km and 3h.

Have a great time in Corsica not missing the best spot.

>> Bonus: out of season, the prices are more reasonable, a lot of car parks are free, there are really less people … However, be careful many activities, campsites, huts are not open yet.

  • 7- Very friendly local people

It is the least we can say. Indeed, during our stay, we had beautiful encounters with the Corsicans. As for example with Saida and Adib in Saint-Florent or Maguy in Calvi. We were invited to work drink tea, take a shower…at home. Not to mention the people we met and with whom we simply had good talks and advices (best places to eat, see, park…).

They made our trip even more beautiful than it was already!

Local people from Corsica playing petanque in a small town.

That’s it. We hope that this article will be helpful for you or that you find now your next travel destination > to Corsica.
>> Here, our article to help you prepare a road trip in van on the beauty island (spots, tips, tips).
Do not hesitate to leave us a message, to tell us if you like this article, or give us your good tips to visit Corsica!

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