GRR2 Day 4: Cayenne>Roche Plate

GRR2 Day 4: Cayenne>Roche Plate, all details about this part of one of the best trek in Reunion island. Still walking in Mafate since day 2…

Bar's decoration with Dodo beers'caps at Ilet des Lataniers in Mafate.

GRR2 Day 4 North to South

Cayenne > Roche Plate

  • Duration: 4h40
  • Distance: 10,26 km
  • High Elevation: 1045 meters high / 439 meters down
  • Markings: Good / How is the path: Good

1/3) Cayenne > Ilet de Lataniers

We start this new day with a good breakfast and a pretty view on Cayenne village and on La rivière des Galets.

View on Cayenne village to begin this GRR2 Day 4 in La Reunion.

We then set off and descend to the large footbridge. You can go for a swim or fill your camelback if you take the right path before this footbridge. But by the time we pass it is completely in the shade, so we decide to continue.

It’s going up well and in full sun! Anyway from here you have to expect to climb. At the next fork, on the left you enter the village of Lataniers.

At this fork, you can enter in Lataniers village or continue right to Ilet des Orangers.

On the right we go around it to go directly to Les Orangers. We take the left path because we have almost no more water.
On the right, it is possible to bivouac with 1 or 2 tents max.

Arrival in Lataniers village during our GRR2 Day 4, from Cayenne to Roche Plate in Mafate.
  • Water: Yes, when you enter in the village, continue straight after the bar. A few meters before the point of view (no camping) take a small path on your left. There is water here, it’s a camping spot with BBQ (not for free).
  • Bivouac: Yes (read above).
Mafate view from Lataniers village during our GRR2 Day 4, best hike in La Reunion.

2/3) Ilet des Lataniers > La Brèche

Through Ilet des Orangers and La Brèche

There are 2 other possibilities to bivouac between the Lataniers and Orangers. You can also swim at the dam, which we did of course (there is a very small pool just after but it was in the shade)!

Quick swimming break at the dam between Lataniers and Orangers during the GRR2 Trek in Reunion.

A friend joined us here to continue the day’s hike with us. Then the walk is done a little more in the shade and passes close to a stream.

Shade and water on this portion of the trek from Cayenne to Roche Plate in Mafate.

When we arrive at Ilet des Orangers, we take the right to avoid the village and continue towards Orangers les Hauts.

Arrival at îlet des Orangers in Mafate during the GRR2 Day 4, walking from Cayenne to Roche Plate.

We pass in front of a shop on the right and continue towards La Brèche. On the way there is water flowing from the mountain on the right. We take our lunch break here and drink directly from the source!

Lunch break before we continue the trek to Roche Plate in Mafate.

3/3) La Brèche > Roche Plate

For your information, since the Maïdo fire, we can no longer take La Brèche path from the Maïdo. A priori we can still cross the Roche Plate village even if most of the inhabitants had to leave and the village school to close.

Start of the Path to Roche plate from La Brèche. During our GRR2 Day 4 hike from Cayenne to Roche Plate.

From La Brèche to Roche Plate, the path is pleasant, without elevation gain and without difficulty . We stopped a little before the village, but it takes about 30/45 mins to get to the village from La Brèche.

  • Water: Yes, in Roche-Plate village, behind the information panel close to the school.
  • Food supplies: You should check … Before the fire, yes, there is a small shop and the gites offer drinks and snacks. Even some take away dishes at Judex gite for example (and € 3 a beer).
  • Bivouac possible & nbsp; : Yes. Altitude: 1,100 meters. A little before the village on the left near the stream (1 tent) or a little after the junction for 3 Roches (2 tents max).
End of our GRR2 Day 4, from Cayenne to Roche Plate. Here our camping spot!
Conclusion of this GRR2 Day 4 – Cayenne>Roche Plate – trek and bivouac:

Nice stage. Not very long but with some high elevation. Totally ok if you take your time (and with a good physical condition). It is possible to stop in each village to fully enjoy it. Beautiful scenery all along the trail which is in good condition.

Next stage: Roche Plate > Marla

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