GRR2 Day 9: Volcano>Saint-Philippe

GRR2 Day 9: Gîte du Volcan (Volcano)>Saint-Philippe, all details about this part of one of the best trek in Reunion island. A long, but very very nice path to finish this great aventure!

GRR2 Day 9 North to South


  • Duration: 8h30
  • Distance: 24 km
  • High Elevation: 127 meters high / 2300 meters down
  • Markings: Good / How is the path: Ok, but lots of slippery branches and rocks
The beginning of the end!

Our last awakening from this adventure. It tastes kind of like nostalgia whereas we have not even finished our trek in Reunion Island by the GRR2. After breakfast, we leave the Gîte du Volcan and retrace our steps from the day before to reach the Griffe du Diable crossing in about twenty minutes.

1/4) Griffe du Diable > Piton de Bert

From there, we walk towards Foc-Foc Parking and then continue to end in Saint-Philippe through Basse Vallée.

Walking through Foc Foc parking at the start of our GRR2 day 9, trek from the Volcano to Saint Philippe.

We walk along the l’Enclos Fouquet on our left with a breathtaking view of the Dolomieu crater and other lesser-known craters. On our right, several pitons: half piton, Hauy, Chisny, red piton, Hubert …

beautiful puys ramond during our grr2 day 9 in reunion.

The path is easy, flat and the view is superb although monotonous. On this side, it changes from the view of Pas de Bellecombe. Of course, as there is no water until the end on this stage of the GRR2, go with at least 1.5L per person, the road is long! We spot a very nice little spot to camp along the cliff. One of the few places with soft grass and trees to enjoy some shade! On the other hand, beware of the cold at night …

Nice bivouac spot for the hike Volcano Saint Philippe during the GRR2 in Reunion Island.

We see many information signs but keep walking up to the Piton de Bert.

Arriving at Piton de Bert, after 2h of our GRR2 Day 9 from le gîte du Volcan.

2/4) Piton de Bert > Puys Ramond

After more than 9km, it starts to descend gently… but the ground is less stable. Nothing bad but the stones are rolling, unlike the trail so far, you have to watch your feet! And it’s only just started !

View on Puys Ramond, formers volcano's craters during our grr2 day 9.

We can see… not so far… the Puys Ramond. For us, one of the great discoveries of this GRR2 (we knew a good part of the trails). These are old volcanic craters. Small, medium, large, slag, covered with vegetation, there is something for everyone. When you reach the heart of Puys Ramond, you have a … splendid view. The craters, straight ahead, the southern coast and behind us, Dolomieu’s summit… breathtaking.

Saint-Philippe's littoral, Puys Ramond, Dolomieu crater, a view will find only during this grr2 day 9.

3/4) Puys Ramond > Gite de Basse Vallée

From there, the descent is more serious. The vegetation is more present, but still low, with a view of the coast. And after about 15 km (from the very beginning), we change the scenery to enter a tropical forest.

Arriving on a tropical forest during the hike from the Volcano to Saint Philippe, last stage of the GRR2.

It’s beautiful, a bit magical … green, with beautiful plants, lianas, ferns, moss … You can’t see the sea anymore, of course. There are big steps and the ground can be slippery with many trunks and stones.

You'll enjoy a superb view on Saint-Philippe's coast!

The vegetation changes several times, less dense. The soil always wet and with a lot of roots, not practical for walking with poles (even without poles), but still superb.

Even in the forest, GRR2 marks are good.

4/4) Gite de Basse Vallée > Saint-Philippe

A little before the crossing to go to the gite of Basse Vallée or to the coast, we take a well deserved cereal break under a kiosk.

Break at the kiosk before the gîte de Basse Vallée, last hour of our grr2 day 9 in La Reunion.

2 tek-tek (birds from the Island) stay with us during the break (not because of our food of course). From there, the landscape changes again. It looks like French forest.

Landscape that looks like French's forests, in Basse Vallée, walking towards Saint-Philippe.

And gradually, everything is covered with foam. It only lacks little elves to polish this fantastic universe.

Great fantasy landscape in Basse Vallée during our grr2 day 9, last day of this big trek in La Reunion.

Then we arrive in the vanilla’spot ! Lianas all around us… the famous Saint-Philippe vanilla!

The famous Saint Philippe's vanilla, in Reunion Island Wild South!

At times we cross the “road” to immediately take the GRR2 path shortcuts. Always a lot of branches and roots. Besides, this day hurts your knees and ankles…

After almost 24km of walking and 2300 meters of vertical drop, we finally reach the “real” car road. With I admit it, a BIG heartache. We are tired (rather long day) but no more than that, we would have liked to continue … but all good things come to an end.

The start sign (when you begin from the south), to the GRR2 last pannel for us as it's the grr2 day 9!

The end of our GRR2 day 9: the end of this day from the Volcan to Saint-Philippe.
We arrive at Basse Vallée bus stop where my brother is waiting for us … and, full of stars in our misty eyes, we are already beginning to tell the story of this wonderful adventure!

Find a video and all the stages of this great trek in Reunion Island here !

For more adventures, follow us on Facebook and Instagram !

Start or end of the GRR2 trek in Reunion from Saint-Denis to Saint Philippe. For us the end of our GRR2 day 9.

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